Thursday, June 17, 2004

Can you imagine

Well now the 9-11 commission has tried to show how military officials acted slow on September 11th. Had they acted sooner, the commission argues, air force fighters would have been able to down the planes before they reached their destinations. MSNBC has an article about it all. But here's my question. . . .

What the hell would the American public have done if congress had approved and succeeded at shooting down the three aircraft? Can you imagine the outcry?! People would have gone insane. I can't even begin to imagine what would have happened. Let me take a stab at it, though.

First, the ACLU would have sued the government for taking away the passengers rights to live. Then the families of the victims would have sued the government for killing their loved ones. Than the hardcore left would have demanded Bush and his administration be jailed for murdering innocent passengers. All this, because of a preemptive strike.

I imagine it would look a bit like what we're seeing today. . . .when you deal with preemption, you never get to see what was thwarted. You just get to stay alive. Had the fighters been able to down those airplanes, we would never know to be thankful for the twin towers still standing. Likewise, I wonder what I don't know to be thankful for, all because our courageous President demands evil be erradicated before it attacks.