Wednesday, July 21, 2004

And knowing is half the battle. . .

Robert Greenwald thinks you're an idiot. 
Don't be alarmed, he thinks I'm an idiot too.  In fact, Greenwald thinks most of America is so uneducated, so moronic, and so uninformed that we will sit back and digest whatever he has to say.  I don't know. . .I think his Michael Moore complex is showing. 
Greenwald titles his film about FoxNews, "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism."The whole film is devoted to showing how FoxNews is a right-leaning propaganda machine bent on keeping a republican dominated congress alive and well.  He targets Fox for calling themselves 'Fair and Balanced' when, as he claims, this is false advertising.  Nevermind Outfoxed is backed by  Greenwald assumes you and I are too stupid to realize he's a hardcore lefty making a movie about how the right is evil.  Give me a freakin break Bob.  At least Michael Moore shows his unbalanced side unabashedly.  Grow a pair and just say you hate conservatives.  Quit pretending like you're somehow in the middle of the road, as a partisan hero. 

By the way, you don't see Greenwald going after any other media outlets in his 'War On Journalism' do you?  All you see is him crying about how he hates FoxNews.  I'm not sure I'd have a problem with his efforts if he at least had the integrity to label his work what it is.  "OutFoxed: We don't know what we like, but we know we hate Bush"
By the way.  I love how the trailer to the movie shows tons of O'Reilly clips where he's telling people to shut up on his program.  As if that's supposed to make me think O'Reilly's a bad guy.  Wait a second, he has morals. . . .damn conservatives with their standards and integrity. . .I bet they'd even fight for peace too.  Just sickening.