Wednesday, August 18, 2004

John Kerry : 2 things

So in the political arena, I don't mind differing views. I'm not one who simply hates opposition. On the contrary, without opposing views we become sloppy in our own thinking. We must be challenged in our beliefs if we want to know truth. In order to make rational decisions we have to be allowed to hear all sides. For instance. . .I don't really like Al Sharpton, but at least I can respect him for holding fast to his beliefs. Trust me, if Sharpton were elected president, we know what kind of policy changes he'd be making. He's a guy who tells you what's on his mind. Crazy as it may be, at least he's not a liar. You know what he stands for, and by voting him into office, you know what you're getting yourself into.

What I do mind, however, is a slipshod, wavering ideology. So I bring two things about Mr. John Kerry. The man who wants to be your next commander in chief.

Number 1:
Taking a cue from Michael Moore, John Kerry has, in the recent weeks, decided to take a stab at President Bush by commenting on his Sept 11 actions in that Florida classroom. Kerry even went so far as to say:
Had my top aide whispered in my ear, 'America is under attack,' I would have told those kids very politely and nicely that the president of the United States had something he needed to attend to," reference
So we have John Kerry taking a stab at the president's actions on that fateful day, saying he would have 'attended to' the situation faster and more effectively.

Now you might be asking, as I did. . ."How did 'ol John react on Sept. 11th?"
Glad you asked. . .here we go.

The Washington Post
"On July 8, Kerry recalled for CNN's Larry King his actions that day. He was in a meeting in the office of Senate Minority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) when he watched the second plane hit the World Trade Center on television, while standing next to fellow senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.). "And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table, and then we just realized nobody could think, and then, boom, we saw the cloud of the explosion at the Pentagon." "

Now, if you recall on that day, there were about 40 minutes between the second trade center attack and the attack on the pentagon. So by his own words, Kerry claims that he and fellow senators sat for 40 minutes "unable to think." Thanks John, that clears up a lot for me in November.

Number 2:
Remember how John Kerry has been badmouthing President Bush all these weeks? Remember how he's been attacking his every move? How nothing Bush does could possibly be the right thing. How Bush is the last person in the world suitable for the job. Remember how John Kerry rips into Bush's every move without thinking. . .(see number 1 above for further detail)

Recently President Bush received intel on more possible terror alerts. Well, as you can imagine, Kerry and his pal Howard Dean hit the campaign trail shouting about how the terror alerts were made up by the evil conservative party to make Bush look a little better. How do you think President Bush responded? He thought it would be good for a man who might be the next president to be briefed on the situation. He offered John Kerry a secure phone line while on the campaign trail so that he could be made aware of the situation. Sounds respectable to me.
Now what's Kerry's response to the offer? He turns it down. You see, Kerry was a little busy campaigning against the man who just offered him an inside view of the most recent threats against our nation. (That's you and me.) He was a little busy with his campaign events to spend any real time listening to real information. He finally got a secure line setup while his bus was parked in one place during a softball game in Taylor, Michigan. Seems after the phone call, Kerry kept his distance from Howard Dean. Smartest move I've seen the man make thusfar. Check out this msnbc article for more detail.

My problem with Kerry isn't that he's not Bush, which is the main reason most on the left consider him their newfound god. My problem is that he points the finger without offering any new insights. He talks about doing things 'differently' in Iraq and against terror. Well John, what do you mean by 'differently'? The only solution he's offered up has actually been to send more troops to the middle east to fight terror! A fact most on the left don't seem to acknowledge. Sure he's talking about UN troops and other nations helping out, but he's not talking about stopping a war, he's talking about revving it up.

Vote for John Kerry. He's the man who sat unable to think for 40 minutes on sept. 11th. He's the man who wants to send an additional 15,000 troops to Afghanistan. He's the man who didn't care about terror intel as much as he cared about softball. He's the man who votes for things after he votes against them. He's the senator who missed 89 percent of Senate votes this year. He's the man who didn't cast a single vote between March 25 and late June. He's the man who's wife said she joined the democratic party out of spite. Sounds like the position of opposition has a great frontrunner.

By the way. As a senator, it's his job to vote for his constituency. If you were absent from work 89 percent of the time, would you still have a job?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Wag the John

So the new unimportant political story is how a filmmaker named James Moll directed the film introducing John Kerry at the Democratic National Convention the other day. Moll is employed by another more well known filmaker Steven Speilberg. Sounds good to me. Nothing too wild about that. . . .until this.

It seems Moll and the democrats weren't satisfied with the footage of Kerry's wartime activities. So they pulled a Moore and bent the facts ever so slightly. At one point in the film we see Kerry manning the swift boat we've all heard so much about. Bullets fired into the water nearby create a desired effect, but Moll says "'It's just illustrative'. . .saying the bullets in the water were not from the actual event." Referenced

What a petty thing. But a huge thing nonetheless. A small cinematic move that underscores an overarching theme in the John Kerry campaign. This is my beef with all partisan politics. Giving a version of the truth, as Moll says he's doing, is an injustice. It seems to be of little significance that we have a man, and an entire political party that supports the doctoring of facts. Like Michael Moore, it's not a lie, but it's a presentation of the facts in such a way as to lead people's thoughts towards a different truth. A little thing like adding bullets hitting the water near Kerry's boat isn't the end of the world. However, letting him and the party as a whole openly support the misrepresenting of facts is inconceivable. What about standards? What about showing things as they really happened in Kerry's past? I'm not saying he should be showing images of his worst days; of course a convention film should be showing his strengths. . . .but give me the truth, not fiction.

And, just because I'm in a real anti-kerry mood right now, check out these little blurbs.
A photo used by the Kerry campaign shows John with his swiftboat crew. Out of the 20 men in the picture, guess how many are currently supporting Kerry. Including John himself, two. check it out.

Here's another article giving more detail to the civil action against the Kerry campaign.

I love this quote.
"On June 1, 2004, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth sent a cease and desist letter to John Kerry for President, Inc. on behalf of 11 officers shown in the photograph, pointing out that using their images in a campaign advertisement "wrongfully and incorrectly suggests their present endorsement of his candidacy.""